Tuesday, November 18, 2014

School Pictures

School picture proofs are due back by tomorrow (Wednesday) whether you are purchasing or not.

Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17-21

Please send in any money or donation items for Operation Christmas Child tomorrow.  We are supposed to do 2 boxes per class and pay shipping and so far we only have a total of $5 and no items :-(.  I know that we weren't told about this until last week but we would appreciate anything so that we can do our part to help the unfortunate.

4H is this Thursday

Don't forget that we get out at 12:00 and we are out all next week for Thanksgiving.

The Patriot Marketplace is going to be December 4 and 5.  If you know of a vendor who might like to come, see Mrs. Garrett or Trecy.  In conjunction, the school is sponsoring themed gift baskets to be part of the silent auction.  Each class is asked to bring in items and 5th grade has BBQ items (no matter how big or small). They are asking for these items to be turned in by December 1.  Thank you!

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Mrs. Baggett has asked that each class please complete two shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.  If you would like to donate items for them, I am including a list.
small toys with extra batteries, crayons, pencils, pens, calculators, coloring books, picture books, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap (in plastic bag), comb, brush, washcloth, flashlight, puppets, hard candy, tshirts, socks, ballcaps, sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, socks, toboggans, gloves, etc.
Please send in any items that you would like to donate by Monday.  If you would prefer to send a money donation, I will be happy to go and buy the items.  There is also a $7 per box fee to handle shipping.  If you would like to donate this, we would appreciate it very much!
Thanks for ALL you do!!!

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10

A few reminders:

1.  The deadline for ordering sweatshirts has been extended to Friday 11/14.  This is a ONE time order.

2.  The current fundraiser will end on Wednesday 11/12.  Please bring all orders in by that date.

3.  Tomorrow is a holiday and there will be no school :-)  Everyone remember to thank all Veteran's for their service.

4.  School will be dismissed at 12:00 on Friday November 21.

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3-7

First of all, let me say a HUGE Thank You to all the parents, Grandparents and everyone who helped to make this past week a great success. You all ROCK!!!!  It would not have been possible without you!!!!

Now for this week's reminders:

1. - The fundraiser candy is in.  If you ordered some, please send the money in and I will send home the candy.  Also, I have some extra bars that are $1 each.  If you want any, let me know. Otherwise, I will be letting the students buy them at snack.

2. The Veteran's day program is this Friday at 9:30.  The 5th and 6th grades are in charge of the program. They will need to dress nicely and in the colors of red, white or blue. They ARE allowed to check out after the program and will not be counted absent.  There is also a breakfast that morning for Veteran's.  If you know of a Veteran who you would like to invite, let me know.  I have sent invitations home in folders for the students who said they needed them.  

3. School will dismiss at 1:30 on Friday so that students and faculty can go to the playoff game in Bessemer. If you are planning to go, tickets are available in the front office.  They are $5 for students and $7 for adults.